Thursday, February 11, 2010

Where is Rhiana?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Current mood: adventurous

You know how you use to read the where's waldo books or Where in the world is Carmen San Diego Game? As of right now no one knows of my location of where I am currently Staying accept a few people that I told. This is not a game. I am hiding or staying away for a good reason. As of right now my location is hidden to others accept the people that I have told. I have only told one person in my family but she doesnt know where I am. Why am I hiding? Becasue of the problems that I am having with my family. I feel in a sense that there is no need to tell anyone where I am. I think it would defeat the whole purpose of why I am away. Just to let you guys know I still am alive. I am being supported by some wonderful people and once again I thank them if they are reading this blog. I can go home but I feel like I can't. Which means that I know that I can come back anytime as I please. I am not comming back untill the problem at hand is solved. It is just not a single problem but it is multiple problems. More than anything this so called family of mine needs to be restored after all these years of pain, damage, and suffering. Some people in my family never expected such a thing from me. Well Rhiana has feelings and she is Human too! I am more than hurt emotionally I am heart broken. I am pissed by the fact how my family members are just telling me to get over it as if the thing that happend to me was minor. That is not the case. What happend to me is something that still effects me. I am still disturbed by the fact that my own family in my own home would bring back a horrible part of my past to me. They keep getting mad becasue I will not answer the phone. I have been fucked over so many times and change has to be made for the better. If all of this gets solved I have a few request for my family. I am sorry if everyone feels punised by what I am doing. I miss all of you but I have to do this. This up and comming summer there will be a list of things that need to be completed. I can do this. Here me out I am a child of sturggles. I need to break free of a sad lonley life that I live. If you want to talk to me message of call me. Dont worry I will update you on how things are going. As of right now I am sorry but I can't really tell you where Rhiana is.

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