Thursday, February 11, 2010

Recap of 2008

Sunday, January 04, 2009
Current mood: awake

This is what happend in 2008
I went to a differnt school
I got my first appartment
I got a drivers license
I have a new god daughter
I have driven on the 405
I have a car
The first time I have ever been so involved in politics
I lived the day to see our first black president get elected
I went to balboa park after so many years
I went to 6 flags for the second time
I made a list of goals and completed them all
I went to church upon my own will
I stayed single for the whole year
I spent many days and nights in anger and depression
I stayed away from home for 2 months due to a problem
I went to anime expo for the first time
I have dealed with bad living situations
I gained many friends and lost others
I traveled on the train more than ever
I spent the night in several peoples homes
I have been accused of being non sucessful but proved many wrong
I got good grades
I have been to oxnard for the first time
I spent many hours and nights with the real folks
I have been indecisive about many things
I started development on several new projects
I decided to leave the csun fourms
I completled seeing the outlaw star series
I went trick or treating this year
I went shopping on black friday for the very first time
I wore a trekie uniform to comic con and I was going to die
I continued to stay in touch with very close friends
I have been used and people tryed to bring me to an end
I went to cadet ball
I bought a sexy dress
I got a parking ticket
I have been under constant stress
I went to a porn convention
I roller bladed this year
I saw my high school band better than my previous years
My high school made it to the championship
I realized that qualcum stadium was smaller than it looked on tv
I thought about changing my college major
I never realized how many haters I've had
I lived and saw part of the day the metrolink train crashed
I placed flowers for those who have passed at the train station
I almost went broke by 100%
My birthday this year meant nothing to me
I went to class in a kimono
I cost played with a homie who was a ninja
I spent many nights alone
I spent many days alone
I have taken care of others
I was told that I have a messed up mind
I wrote a blog called "is it a crime?"
I have grown to love raggae music even more
I have grown the love sade music even more
I went to an indian resturant for the very first time
I was given a sketch book and started sketching
I don't really attemd the csun anime club anymore
I go to bsu every now and then
I have made movies and posted them on you tube
I have gotten a flat tire
I have told friends the painful truth
I have bragged about my sucesses
I have seen the dark knight
I have went on horrible dates
I have made many horrible and sucessful mistakes
I have protested and locked my self in my own room
I have gotten sick and almost didnt know what to do
I helped my friend with a funny halloween costume
I went to ultrazone twice
I had to evactuate my appartment due to the silmar fires
I went to the topanga mall
I bought the Busta Rhymes album "extinchinon level event"
I have been through a trail and some canyons
I gotten a sidekick
I saw my mother more
My dad lost his home
The economy is bad
I stood in the rain to get free stuff
I cooked a meal for all of my friends
I waited in line for 5 hours at comic con for previews night to start
I shopped at the murvins going out a bussiness sale
It was a let down when they got rid of juice station,ez e take out, and pho tu do!
I spent one night on a balcony of a condo looking at some of the valley view
I have ended up in strange places
I have challenged somone with my life
I have watched x files
I have slepted on the floor for many months
I spent two nights in a tiny hotel room with 4 people and no bathroom!
I spent the night in irvine for the very first time
I went to b and js for the very first time
I went to tgi fridays 3 times in a month
I openly hit on a waiter at tgi fridays and got his myspace and facebook
I loved my sociology class
I discovered pretty willie
I ate homade menudo and pozole
I beat my friend at air hockey
I beat my friend a marvel vs capcon
I helped my friend in a bad situation
I spent the night sleeping in a classroom

this is not all of the things but an example of some of the things I did I wonder what my 2009 list will be like?

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