Thursday, February 11, 2010


Saturday, June 14, 2008
Current mood: awake

Time. What can I say about it? Well there is a lot to say and almost nothing there. For the past few days I have seriously realized how much everthing around me has changed. Im not saying that it is impossible for any chnage to be made. But the question or questions I often ask myself is how does so much happen to end up a certain way or why. To me it is beyond sad of what I see. Over and over again I often ask myself is so much suffering even real. Well I guess it is. But I know that someday just someday people will learn to understand how I communicate. But I seriously dont know at this moment in time what I can do as far as my surroundings go. But all I know is that I have the power to believe. Believe that time doesnt destroy me. It makes me,. Meaning that what ever happens to me throught the course of time I am ready to face this horrible shocking reality of what we call planet Earth."Keep in time"-Rhimuch love 50n!

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