Monday, November 8, 2010

Her conversation with a mirror

Saturday, September 4, 2010 at 3:51pm

As she stood there naked the looked at her body. She looked at the mirror and asked this question,"mirror, mirror on the wall am I the even a slight bit fare at all? I am not sure how to define myself am I a beauty or something else?". The mirror came alive and scared her. The mirror responded and began to have a conversation with her.

Mirror: I am but a mirror and a mirror alone. I am around the world. They all look at me. The asked the same questions over and over seeking an answer. My job is to reflect anything that range. Your body, the objects in the room, the very things you do. I am a mirror and I see all that is in range. I was created so you can see how you look. I can see the changes your body makes. I know of your emotions and your private moments. When thing that I can never do is tell you who you are. I can never tell you how fare you are the decision is yours and yours alone. If I had an opinion of what I thought of people, many wouldn't carry me around of have me in their homes. Lady why do you choose to ask an object of weather or not your beauty is of exsistance?

Lady: Everyday I before I leave my home I need you more than ever. I want to make sure the world accepts me.

Mirror: Why does it matter?

Lady: Because it's important. Beauty is everything and everyone.

Mirror: Who told that?

Lady: It's just something that everyone believes in. It's just a rule of being human.

Mirror: I don't think that is a rule, maybe an expectation based on a certain number of individuals. What is beauty and how do you define it?

Lady: Well that's easy. You look a certain way and it's your job to keep up with the image that the world has.

Mirror: I most likey wouldn't exsist if everyone is suppose to look the same. There more than one definition of beauty and everyone isn't going to agree on it. How do you define yourself?

Lady: I'm not sure. I don't know that is a difficult question to answer.

Mirror: There is your problem. If you can't define yourself, then your coming to me as a student of societies expectations.

Lady: That's not true! No one can't make me do something that I don't want to do! Don't you ever accuse me of something like that ever again! Your horrible!

Mirror: Why does telling the truth make me horrible? Yeah the truth hurts. It's a lot better than a person telling you something that is false and unpleasant.

Lady: I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you like that. It was scary hearing something that come out of your mouth.

Mirror: It's okay and I'm sure it was quite unexpected for a mirror to respond to you question.

Lady: More than ever. I feel crazy.

Mirror: Don't be I'm trying to give you a message that you need to hear. Unfortunatley I am unable to reach everyone in time before they make a life changing mistake.

Lady: I don't want to go down that road.

Mirror: Then realize you have options.

Lady: How many do I have? What are my options?

Mirror: I won't tell you your options.

Lady: Why?

Mirror: Because it will defeat my whole purpose of my warning to you. If you have a problem change.

Lady: I don't understand what you're saying.

Mirror: What are you confused about my dear?

Lady: You just told me that I will be a student of society.

Mirror: Yes that is correct.

Lady: Is that right or wrong?

Mirror:Unfortunately I am a mirror. There is only so much I can say and do. It is for YOU to decide and you alone. If I told you all the answers, my mission to you would be an ultimate failure. Weather or not you make the right decision in my eyes. It is your right as an human being to go down the right road. I wish you best of luck.

Lady: Thank you. I really appreciate it.

Mirror: No need to thank me. I will be here watching you everyday no matter where you or how much you grow. I see you. I see you human in the mirror. Your reflection. You came to me with a question that the entire world asks me everyday. I leave an answer with a question. "How do you define yourself?"

I have a million dollar body.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 9:37pm

Today I watched his video on how people of different ethnicities in the UK wanted to look like the white man or white woman and I was shocked by what these people were willing to do just to look like them. After that, I thought about myself and how society defined me on how attractive I really am. It's so strange how many if not all of us wants something the other person has. Or at least have thought about it here and there. Why is it that certain features that black women have are considered ugly but considered hot on a woman of another race? I have things that men find attractive but it makes all the difference due to the fact I'm black. This doesn't only apply to black women but women of all different ethnicities. I believe there is nothing wrong with changing your look here and there. The question is how far are you willing to go?

I realize that I will never be a white,mexican,or Asian woman. I know that I will never be Americas next top model or ms. America. I will never be a size 0 or size 2. Do I want to be? Hell no.

Some may disagree and think that I am insane for not looking after these women. It's just something I don't want to be period. As a child I never bothered to pick up those magazines that show pictures of women with the perfect everything. They also tell you what you are doing wrong with a relationship. The list goes on. Do any these people who often pic up these magazines realize WHO is writing the article and air brushing those photos?

I took a good look at my body and realize that I have " a million dollar body". They pay millions of dollars to get my tan, my thick hair, and lips. They pay millions to get my chest, my hips and butt. Even my long eye lashes. I get all my shit for free. I am the total package. Not to sound cocky it's the truth. But what an asshole named society said that if a woman is black do not see these qualities as something wonderful. It makes her look fat and trashy.

But you don't think a woman is trashy for putting unnatural shit in her body? Some people may argue and say that I or another black woman can be just as equally wrong for wearing hair that isn't ours or putting dangerous chemicals in. You can always cut your hair. You can always wear it natural. Hair is always changeable and it can grow back. Having your legs broken to be taller you can't replace that.

I realize that I am not the prettiest or skinniest woman. But due to certain things I was born with. You can't put me and an entire race of women down just because you and many other idiots out there think we all look he same or a certain way. The truth is with every race out there, you have your lighter and darker version of that race, facial features a the list goes on.

Just like I can't say that every black women has my features. Many do but some don't. Thats why when people say they aren't attracted to women of a certain race. It is even more funny when people often forget that certain races belong in a group one race. Some guy say that he is not attracted to Asian women and the next day he thinks women from India are hot.... I've seen I happen many times.

I do admit when I was younger I use to be amongst those ignorant people who said they don't find a specific race attractive. Over the years I found that what I said was untrue and seen some pretty attractive looking men of different races. It all depends on if you find that MAN NOT RACE attractive.

I love the fact that we all created to look and act different. What's the point of trying to change who you are to look like Victoria beckum, beyonce, or anyone else. Do you really hate yourself that much because you don't like some girl in a magazine? Why is it in your best interest to hate me because I have a look I was born with? Ladies and gentlemen realize that you can always burn off that fat and change your hair. But I refuse to kiss your ass to become your human barbie. I am not plastic. I am all natural. If you don't like I you can kiss my natural YES NATURAL BLACK ASS. I am a million dollar woman and I have a million dollar body. Not to sound cocky but it's true.

Trapped in royalty

Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 11:13pm

New dress, New shoes
New coat, new tie
Rags to riches
Pesent to Royalty
Dirty to clean
This is the life of an ordinary to something extraordinary
They all admire from a far
Wishing they can be you and live your life
The life that is meant to be.

He has forgotten the rags and loves his riches.
More than midas loved his gold.
He is no longer the respected champion of the people.
His ring and spring cry many winters.
Wishing than he remained in his filthy rags.
Knowing his gold was nothing but blood.
Nothing but another mans blood.

He promised a princess she will be on her way. Thinking she was rescued but brought to another dungeon. She isn't waiting for a handsome prince to sweep her off her feet. Her heart still remains full of hope. Wanting to escape from the dungeon year, after year. In fear of all that she has. That one is to know. She remains in sorrow hoping for a forever escape. When the day comes she will no longer be his royalty. Trapped in royalty.

Brain vs Heart

Monday, June 14, 2010 at 12:37am

Laying in my bed
Sitting in the dark
My brain and heart are having an argument
They can never agree on a single subject
My brain tells my heart it causes me pain and it drives others to think I'm insane
My heart said it's nothing wrong with feeling that way you do'
My brain and heart are now at each others throats causing me to make uncertain decisions
Those decisions cause problems
Problems I don't need'
The problems keep coming
One by one
These problems ruin my friendships and fun
Get along you two I'm sick of it

And yet you remain?

Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 10:29pm

Understand you are gone
And gone you remain
I don't think about you
I have lived many days without hearing from you
Iv'e had spent many nights without you
I'm over it
I promise you I really am
Shit happens
I know that now
I don't understand why the memories aren't gone
I get flash backs at unexpected times
I never asked for you to keep comming
Please leave me alone
I'm no longer heart broken
I am no longer in pain
And yet in my heart you remain
I moved on with my life stop causing me pain
You are no longer welcome here
And yet you remain?

Naked Reflection

Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 10:10pm

As everyday passes me by
I look into something called a mirror
My reflection of I
A woman
A woman with so many questions
I stare up and down at that body of mine
From my hips and thighs to the shape of my spine
I see all that's out
No make up, no shoes
Just there plain naked.
Naked in the mind not by eyes
Just standing there plain naked
My reflection reminds me of what the entire world sees
A young woman standing there with more problems than I can count of my fingers
Naked I am
I talk to the reflection
Naked I stand a naked reflection

Silly her

Thursday, March 4, 2010 at 11:57pm

Silly Girl
you take a step forward
You take another back
Silly Woman
You seem to be stuck on one place and don't know where your going
At ease in such deep and emotional thoughts
Your mind goes out into the universe
Knowing of the endless possibilities and adventures that lie ahead
Silly lady
One minute shes in high hopes
Another you falls
Still stuck in your box
you dreams of the herizons
Silly You
Making love with nature
Questioning her very exsistance
lies without a single answer
I tell you once
I told you again
Go find the truth and you shall receive
you can find more than what you seek
No Question is ever abonded
Silly girl
Silly woman
you have so many places to go
if you never find you way and make a move
the truth will always remain a mystery in your eyes.

The beating heart

Wednesday, March 3, 2010 at 2:18pm

Then silence
Then thoughts
I hear the sound of the heart beat
Pump,Pump it goes the lovely sound
Counting along with each breath
Slower, and faster
The sound of your heart
The sound of adventure
The sound of curiosity
Pump, Pump goes the heart
I can hear you
The beating heart