Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Cinderella Dressed in Yellow..."

January 5, 2011 at 1:06am

"Cinderella dressed on yellow, went up stairs to kiss a fellow made a mistake and kisses a snake how many doctors did it take?"

This chant is known as being part of a jump rope game for little girls. I use to say it to. The other day I was thinking about this chant and in the back of my I was thinking really hard about these lyrics. I realized do these little girls know that they are saying something that can possibly have a fucked up meaning behind it just like other chants and nursery rhymes? Maybe that wasn't the intentions of who ever invented the rhyme. But I decided to analyize just for the hell of it. Call me crazy but I was seriously thinking about this shit the other day for no apparent reason. So let me get started.

So I'm pretty sure the vast majority of us has a general idea of how fucked up the cinderella story is in general. Any verson of the story will just do. Even if it's Disney.....So I'm just going to use the Disney verson for now to anyalize it's meaning and what I think it is. As we all know Cinderalla has had a pretty fucked up life with her step family and she almost doesnt get to go to the ball and the fairy god mothert gives her a happily ever after. One of the maain things you notice in the disey version is her being innocent and clueless about some things.

Now then when I think of cinderella, I think of her as an innocent/clueless woman who ended up in another unfortuniate situation. The color yellow has a great deal of meaning when it comes to friendship and waiting for someone to be home. It is also a very innocent color and not often seen as a negitive color. It is quite obvious in the disney verson she wants love and affection from anyone espcailly her man.

"Went up stairs to kiss her fellow"....So she went up there to see someone she loves....."made a mistake and kissed a snake"....So it turns out that he isn't all what he dreamed...she hoped for love and he took more than those precious lips of hers.They say that the snakes can be the most sneaky and dangerous creatures in the world. They may have no legs but still have ways of getting to you. He was a snake without a doubt. He slide his way into her heart and told him that it will be okay. He took what is most preciuos to her...."how many doctors did it take? 1......2....3..." the list goes on. For as long as the girl jumps each and every time. Repersents a doctor to deturmine what her illlness may be.

For every jump a girl makes for those doctors the more people who of affection and get a disease. They never say if she is all right from the snake. But either the rope stops turning of the lady stops jumping. Poor Cinderella, it was never a dream come true. It this story you were taken. They contuine to jump in you name. Each time the count a doctor increases your pain. You remind me of the modern woman.

so you guys what do you think?


  1. I always thought she kissed the guys dick by mistake and got STD's and now we have to figure our how many doctors it took to cure her.

  2. Well, i believe, that she went to see the love of her life, he turned out to be the ultimate douche, and he broke her heart. The doctors, represent the number of guys trying to heal her heart.
